Sunday 19 January 2014

Dafydd ap Sion, Pelican, 2014

Since human frailty is more inclined towards forgetfulness of good than towards longing for eternal bliss, it is necessary to make permanent in writing that which has been done in good faith. Equity requires and reason ordains that those persons virtuous be rewarded for their merits by renown and recognition. Wherefore let those here present as well as the future subjects know, that We, Nigel reiver King by divine Grace and Adrielle his devoted Queen, through consideration not only of common renown but also by the report and testimony of other nobles worthy of credence, are informed of one who has borne himself with dignity and conducted himself honourably so that he deserved well and is well worth.

He has been a steadfast and steady servant, ever willing to take to any task that might need doing and none may doubt, nor even claim with any pretence of truth, that his works have not been many, and his labors great serving Canton, Barony and Kingdom, and his efforts untiring. Be it known, therefore, to the present age and to future generations that we, aided by the advice of our right worthy Order, and assenting to their just requests on account of their memorable faithfulness and service, do hereby elevate Dafydd ap Sion to Our noble Order of the Pelican.

In recognition and thanks for noble service given and in expectation that same shall continue, We likewise give, grant, concede and confirm to the aforesaid Dafydd in perpetuity one hide of land near the bank of the Trent , so that he may be permitted to graze, prune, mow, and hunt. Moreover we have decided that he shall be permitted to come and go securely by water and by land, such that he should not pay tribute or shore-toll.

This We command to be known to all the corners of our realm, and wishing this to remain valid for all posterity, We forbid that anyone, with rash daring, infringe it or in any way attempt to violate it, and command that all are forbidden to oppose, destroy or diminish in any way this privilege which, through Our royal sanction has been granted to Dafydd ap Sion and we validly corroborate this our decree, signed by the seal of our Majesty, witnessed by those who are present at this deed on the 18th day of AS 48 at Tournoi du Coeur de Glace.

Wording by HRM Adrielle Kerrec.

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