Sunday 27 April 2014

Brannos O'Irongardail, King's Favour, 2014

Nigel, by the grace of God, the august ruler of Ealdormere, King of the Northlands and Commander of the Inland Seas, to his well-beloved friend Brannos O'Irongardail, Duke of the Midrealm, health and sincere affection.

Throughout the Society heralds h
ave put quill to parchment many times detailing the deeds that you have performed and preaux knights from all corners of the worlde have sung the praises of your prowess and franchise, so, therefore not to keep any in suspense by a long account, We wish to inform all to whom the present letter come, that, in appreciation of the wholesome advice and assistance that you have personally given to the Royal Household of Ealdormere and most specifically to King Nigel, second of this name, let all know that HIs Grace Brannos shall henceforth bear a mark of Royal Favour for your virtue and you have received from His Majesty's hand, the King’s Favour, and you are commended to make display of it so all shall know of the singular favour this Crown finds in you.

Further Be it known that in gratitude for heartfelt advice and patient teaching in the arts martial that you have offered to any and all who would seek same, that forevermore that this writ shall grant and guarantee free and safe passage.

Specificaly, His Grace Brannos and all that may call themselves friends of His Grace may travel from and to the Midrealm in the character of friendship, to visit according to custom as befits Our love and respect for this man of such noble carriage. Under the patronage and protection of the divine We command all tollgatherers, lords as well as servants, whether on roads or on waters, that no one dare to demand a toll from His Grace or his companions, but let their passage be free and knowing this let be under our protection, and we wish them to be fully free and immune from every charge or toll through all parts of Our kingdom.

Done this saint day of St. Richarius, this 26th day of April AS 48

Wording by Duke Nigel MacFarlane.

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